About Me

Hi, my name is Tara and I design as TC's Sweets. I am a disabled epileptic. I have a certificate for completing PSP Classes and wanting to start them for PS. I love to make scrap kits & tags.
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Saturday, February 21, 2009


It is time for a change.... V-day is over and St. Patty's is coming. I have a new Blinkie to the right. Actually my first blinkie... I made it today along with my new look. I just got my final turned in and hoping for good results. I am nervous, but I did my best and very happy with it. If you want, feel free to grab my blinkie and post it wherever you want. I am in the process of an easter kit and a St. Patty's mini-kit. I am going to take off and get busy on the new goodies. Have a great day and please visit again soon. Huge hugs.
